Sara was born in Stignano (MT) the 7th of November 1990. She starts contemporary and ballet studies at ten years old, at “Balletto Lucano” school, directed by Loredana Calabrese. She took part in lots of competitions, as “Pollino dance festival”, in which in 2005 she won the first prize in modern solo.
In 2006 she won a scholarship for “Balletto di Toscana” dance school in Florence, directed by Cristina Bozzolini, and in 2010 she took part in the Junior Company of the school. In February 2010 she danced in “Fragili Orizzonti” with the “Compagnia Giovane Balletto Mediterraneo”, directed by Muro De Candia. Actually she dances in Teatro delle Celebrazioni’s dance company, the “Oniin Dance Company”.