Vincenzo was born in 1992 in Molfetta (Bari). He started his dance studies at eleven years old at “Il laboratorio della danza” school in Molfetta. He took part in lots of competitions, and he won some scholarships, as for the Laban Center of Contemporary Dance in London, directed by Susan Santler.
He studied with lots of famous and international teachers, as Eugenio Buratti, Eugenio Scigliano, Arianna Benedetti, Fabrizio Monteverde, Francesco Nappa, Mauro Bigonzetti, Victor Litvinov, Gilbert Mayer. In 2009 he entered in “Balletto di Toscana”’s school, directed by Cristina Bozzolini, and in 2010 he took part in the Junior Company of Balletto di Toscana, dancing in many productions, as “Lorenzo il Magnifico” by Arianna Benedetti and Eugenio Scigliano, and “Coppelia”, by Fabrizio Monteverde. In summer 2013 he went to the Nederlands Dans Theatre summer intensive, in Den Haag (Oland). Actually he dances in Teatro delle Celebrazioni’s dance company, the “Oniin Dance Company”.